Heh..yeah. I have clustered two servers. When I hit one IP to one of the servers, the session objects show up in both. However, I did shut down on server, then restart it, and the session data no longer shows up on that server. Even though I am not using a load-balancer, I would assume that as soon as the server starts up, it gets in the loop of that multi-cast thing that gets sent out. I also am not sure, but I thought that each server broadcasts every so often, like every 15 seconds or something (is this configurable?). So, if that is the case, when a new server starts up (whether its an addition to the farm, or a server that died and was restarted), it should be picked up by other server(s) on the farm (island as Karl called it) and then get session data replicated to it automatically. I would think this should work even without using a load-balancer, but I could be wrong. I haven't tried the round-robing DNS approach, so I am not sure if this is a bug with Orion, it doesn't support it, or it requires a load-balancer to properly work.
As Mike said..how about it Orion Team? I know I am still waiting for a document Karl said would be done last week. Haven't checked the site myself yet but I assume by the questions still coming, the document isn't done yet?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Sick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 11:50 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: clustering/load balancing

I thought it was in interesting question as well. Team Orion, how bout it?
 The one thing I haven't been able to test yet is if I shut down one clustered server, then restart it, if the session data gets replicated to it again automatically. It should, but I have yet to see if that works.

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