Hello Reddy,

I agree with you in some points. Yes, complex OR mapping is solved in
2.0, but as you said is a draft.  I won't risk put it into production
right now (we have to finish the project by Octuber 17).

About SQL, again I agree with you. I was using BMP EJB until I found
out that Orion 1.3.6 generates automatically  the findByAll() and
findByXXX().  That way I have a better control over the beans I need.

There is something I left out from the last mail. Because EJB1.1
complex O-R mapping is impossible (you need a workaround), sometimes I
need a BMP Entity because I need a complex query.

And for me, the myth was true. The migration from HyperSonic SQL to
Oracle was transparent for the application. I just had to redeploy the
application, and volia!, all the tables and constraints where there.
The mass import was a little more tricky, (we used JDBC and SQL, query
one place, insert in the other).

Two side notes about independance from tables and databases: If you
relay on triggers, multiple-field primary keys, foreign key for
consistency, etc..., you have to stick into you RDMBS. And remember:
never, ever, use a RDBMS that don't support multiple-field primary
keys. They only give you headaches.

Best regards,
 Rafael                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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