> Hani Suleiman wrote:

> 1) Connection pooling: This is available everywhere, and everyone can
> reap the benefits of it while being perfectly EJBless.
> 2) Transaction support: Stored procedures can take care of this.
Stored procedures to do your transactions for you takes away the
possibility to easilly 'plug-in' another database, which, imho is one of
the greatest benefits of EJB. While trying to learn orion & EJB at the
same time, I was able to run the app I developed on Orion & Interprise
App Server against Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Cloudscape & MYSQL without any
changes to my code (Of course w/o the benefit of transactions in MySql.
> 3) Caching of database objects: Pretty easy to implement
> 4) Failover/load-balancing: As Kevin mentioned, works very nicely for
> servlets.

Sure all this can be easilly implemented, but why should you? The guys
at Orion, Inprice, IBM etc already did this for us. Which is another
nice benefit of EJB, a container that does all this for you, you only
have to implement the bussines logic. More tedious sure, it's the stuff
mentioned above which is the nice part of programming, calculating
priceindexes is not really fun.
> Having said all that though, I'm still going to try and use EJB's in
> my current project, and port all the existing 'model' objects to
> become full fledged EJB's. I'm hoping the advantages will become
> apparent then!
> Also, does anyone have any concrete examples of EJB's
> performance/scalability? Has anyone deployed them in a high volume
> production environment? Most people seem to be using them for
> prototyping and small scale projects, that I know of...
It's quite a new technology, so there are hardly any big projects
running. I know that here in brazil some financial institutions are
messing with it (IAS because of Cobra). Sure EJB is slower, it's the
java standard for a transactional framework, not the Java implemented in
McLaren cars ;-)


Sven E. van 't Veer                                          
Java Developer                                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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