Hi All...

I'm just wondering if dependent object classes in Orion 1.4.0 work as laid 
out in the EJB 2.0 PD2 spec.

I have been trying to get it to work as the spec says but have gotton a 
number of errors from Orion when I start it, mostly complaining that the 
get/set methods for the dependent object class in the EJB should not be 
declared abstract, which they clearly must be per the spec.

I looked at the ATM example, and saw that the LogEntry dependent object 
class is serializable and set up as a CMP field of an entity. Also, it 
declares the deepCopy method, all of which is worng for EJB 2.0 PD2. But 
its methods are abstract, which is right for 2.0.

So I'm just wondering if anyone has gotton it to work as per the spec. If 
so, I'll keep trying. If anyone knows that it does not work, I would 
appreciate knowing, so I can stop beating my head against the brick wall. 
If it works kinda-sorta with tricks, what are the tricks?

Thanks very much...


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