
Try adding a field-name tag in your dependent cmp-field declarations:


I can't remember how I discovered this - it worked for me when I first 
looked into ejb 2.0 / cmr / orion a couple of months ago.

Also, the ejb-name for the entity must match exactly with the role-source 
ejb-name in the relationship. You have Temp20CmpDo.eb.Person in the former 
and and Temp20CmpDo.eb.PersonEJB in the latter.

Hope this helps,


   Earl S. Marwil, Ph.D. /  Senior Scientist     / SCIENTECH, Inc.
     ____  __o          /  TEL: (208) 525-3717  / 1690 International Way
   ____   -\<,  ....   /  FAX: (208) 529-4721  / Idaho Falls, ID 83402
     ....0/ 0______   /  net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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