Remember that your <EJB-REF> tage are scoped within each bean, so that the 
same tag name can refer to different things, depending upon which bean it 
is defined in. So, my guess is that you didn't include an <EJB-REF> tag *in 
the bean definition* for the bean you want to reference.

If thats not the problem, post your deployment descriptor for us to look at.


--On Wednesday, October 25, 2000 11:21 AM -0600 J Davis 

> We have gotten our Orion server(1.3.8) to work with EJBs on a singular
> level(i.e. we can call EJB A, B or C and it works fine.)  But If one of
> our EJB's tries to call another(i.e. A calls B)  A throws a naming
> exception that it can't find the EJB reference when doing a jndi lookup.
> Is there a dependency tag or something within one of the XML files that
> denotes EJB dependencies on one another?  I'm sure this is something
> simple, but it is getting annoying.

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