If you take a look at all the code that Orion (and any other EJB server
product) "writes" for you when you deploy your beans, and all the code that
exists in the server to manage those beans, you'd see that the way EJBs work
REDUCE the amount of code you have to write.

EJBs are an immature technology. There are tools out there to
"automagically" produce the bean code for you (see the "Enterprise" versions
of the various commercial Java development tools). Unfortunately, many of
them are tied to the vendor-specific parts of their company's EJB servers.
The tools will get there, but even with the tools you do need to understand
how the various .java and .xml files fit together. There's no better EJB
server to learn how it all works than Orion.

Kurt in Atlanta

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Kwiatek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:35 AM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: There has GOTTA be a BETTER way !!!!
>EJB's are great.... if you like tripling the amount of code you have to
>How is everyone building their web apps.... with hand coded 
>programs, or
>using automagic tools?
>It sure seems like there should be some sort of tool that you 
>can just point
>at database tables, and have it build the jsp or ejb entity bean. AND
>shouldn't there be a tool that you can just drop the bean on an html
>template thus allowing visual access to the bean fields?
>You can't access ejb's directly from a jsp page (like a normal 
>bean) can
>you? Any tools that will automagically wrap an ejb in a bean for
>presentation in a JSP?
>Am I off base here,  or are ejb's a lot more work? How can 
>people talk about
>how EJB's "speed development time"....?!?

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