Hello all,

        Has anyone tested Orion with dual CPU on Linux?
        We have purchased and deployed Orion on several DELL 1300's with
Redhat linux 6.2.
        All of them seem to work fine.
        So far so good, until the most recent machine which is the first
dual cpu system.
        It works for a short time, then seems to hang.
        I am using IBM JDK 1.3 (most recent release as of 2000/11/9).

        Has anyone got Orion working under Redhat Linux with dual CPU?
        What version of Linux, which JDK and which version of the JDK did
you get it working with.

        Or more generally, what JDK seems more stable, IBM JDK 1.3 or
Sun/Blackdown JDK 1.3?

        Any information anyone has on their experience with dual CPU Linux
and or JDK on Linux would be much appreciated.


Rob Lapensee
Director of Technology
Delfour Corporation

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