OK... I've gotten something working by removing my use of the
jsp:useBean tag, and instead grabbing the EntityBean home, and
creating manually, which seems to work.

Is it improper to use the <jsp:useBean> tag to work with entityBeans?
Is this something that I should be using another Taglib for?

I apologize for the basic-nature of this question, but I haven't done
much work with EntityBeans, and even the O'reilly EJB book doesn't
seem to provide much detail on the subject.


Sean P. McNamara writes:
 > Hi again-
 > Baby-steps, baby-steps.... I've finally gotten my application packaged 
 > properly, and my 2.0 CMP EntityBean to deploy properly, but am having
 > problems accessing the bean via JSP.  I've scanned the mailing lists,
 > but don't find anything related.  Hopefully someone can lend me a
 > clue.

Sean P. McNamara                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
SOMA Technologies, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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