hi sean,

take a look at the EJB tag library available with orion. its exactly what 
you are looking for.

The URL is http://www.orionserver.com/tags/ejbtags/


At 05:44 AM 11/12/2000, you wrote:

>Thanks for your reply Robert, however I don't really feel it's fair
>for you to have judged me ignorant of both Java and the J2EE in
>general.  I've done quite a bit of development with session beans, but
>very little front-end (read JSP) development, and no EntityBean work,
>as it wasn't supported by the EJB (1.0) containers we were working
>I've been through the JSP specification, and don't see anything in
>there pertaining to how EJB are expected to be referenced.  There is
>section 2.13 describing the <jsp:useBean> tag, and unfortunately
>thought it would perhaps provide the needed functionality to automate
>the bean lookup process.
>In addition to the specification, I have a copy of the
>Monson-Haefel book on Enterprise JavaBeans, but there is virtually no
>mention of JSP-EJB interaction.  I also spent some time earlier today
>browsing JSP-centric books in the local bookstore, and found little
>mention (usually about 1 paragraph) regarding EJB's.
>Obviously, using the same method that is used in a Servlet allows me
>to do what I need to do.  I was simply looking for a way to skip that step.
>I've seen some code posted to the list using tags in the <ejb:>
>namespace, but haven't located any documentation for that particular
>taglib.  Perhaps you could be so good as to provide a link?
>I'm in the process of downloading the Romans book, so perhaps that
>will have the details I'm looking for.
>Thanks for the pointer.

Aniket Upganlawar
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