Thanks for your reply Robert, however I don't really feel it's fair
for you to have judged me ignorant of both Java and the J2EE in
general.  I've done quite a bit of development with session beans, but 
very little front-end (read JSP) development, and no EntityBean work,
as it wasn't supported by the EJB (1.0) containers we were working

I've been through the JSP specification, and don't see anything in
there pertaining to how EJB are expected to be referenced.  There is
section 2.13 describing the <jsp:useBean> tag, and unfortunately
thought it would perhaps provide the needed functionality to automate
the bean lookup process.

In addition to the specification, I have a copy of the
Monson-Haefel book on Enterprise JavaBeans, but there is virtually no
mention of JSP-EJB interaction.  I also spent some time earlier today
browsing JSP-centric books in the local bookstore, and found little
mention (usually about 1 paragraph) regarding EJB's.

Obviously, using the same method that is used in a Servlet allows me
to do what I need to do.  I was simply looking for a way to skip that step.
I've seen some code posted to the list using tags in the <ejb:>
namespace, but haven't located any documentation for that particular
taglib.  Perhaps you could be so good as to provide a link?

I'm in the process of downloading the Romans book, so perhaps that
will have the details I'm looking for.

Thanks for the pointer.

Robert Krueger writes:
 > At 14:25 11.11.00 , you wrote:
 > >OK... I've gotten something working by removing my use of the
 > >jsp:useBean tag, and instead grabbing the EntityBean home, and
 > >creating manually, which seems to work.
 > yes, bean != enterprise java bean. you will do yourself a BIG favour if you 
 > read up on jsp, ejb and java in general as there are some fundamental 
 > basics missing. trial and error will not get you very far in J2EE. look at 
 > the specs (they are actually rather readable) and maybe check out ed romans 
 > ejb book (free download at

Sean P. McNamara                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
SOMA Technologies, Inc.         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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