Sorry I mis-read your email.  I now have added activation.jar, mail.jar, and pop3.jar to the orion.jar manifest file.  These files again reside in <orion_root>/.  I still get the same error.  As far as the code goes "pop3://cucu:[EMAIL PROTECTED]", this is a dumb question but what is the break up of this String.  ie: is cucu a server name or password followed by :<email to check>?
Are you an Orion employee?
Thanks for your help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 6:16 AM
Subject: Re: pop3.jar again

regarding the variant, my advice was to ADD pop3.jar to the jars already mentioned. Mail.jar should already be there, as it comes with orion. I have this setup running all the time.
Then, there was a code-based suggestion by someone else that looks promising to me, because it saves JavaMail from reading the properties file, which is were the problem originates:
session = Session.getInstance(props, null);
store = new POP3Store(session, new URLName(Constants.MAIL_URL));

(where Constants.MAIL_URL is something like: "pop3://cucu:[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
The problem seems to be that Orion doesn't read the javamail.providers file
from META-INF directory
----- Original Message -----
From: Dale Bronk
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: pop3.jar again

I have now triple checked and I have moved activation.jar, mail.jar, and pop3.jar into jre/lib/ext.  I then did a search for those 3 files on my entire hard drive and they are only in that directory.  I restarted Orion and still get:
MessagingException: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: No provider for POP3
I then tried your other suggestion of removing the files from the orion.jar file.  I still get the same error.  I saw another response to my post suggesting that I look at my code and they gave a code sample...  I will look at this next.
Currently, I have the 3 jar files only in jre/lib/ext and the files are not listed in the file in orion.jar.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: pop3.jar again

This is my favorite one..
I am running an application under orion which uses JavaMail & pop3. The 2 solution alternatives to the classloader problem I personally tested successfully were
a) MOVE mail.jar AND pop3.jar to jre/lib/ext (note the MOVE. Both should be accessed from the same place)
b) modify inside orion.jar and add the pop3.jar
I have to admit I stayed with b). I just re-modified it yesterday after downloading the newest orion release :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Dale Bronk
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2000 8:40 PM
Subject: pop3.jar again

Has anyone figured out how to use pop3.jar with Orion?  I have tried moving the pop3.jar and activation.jar to my jdk/lib/ext directory like someone suggested and it still gets an error "no providers found".  I then tried what someone else suggested...  Starting orion with the actual class with main in it rather than orion.jar and specifying the classpath pointing to my activation.jar and pop3.jar from sun.
I can't get it to work with Orion.
Orion, if you are listening...  Please help.  There have been several questions with this same problem.  I know I have it setup correctly because I can run the little test app and it lists my pop3 as a provider plain as day.  This is of course not running in the same vm as Orion.  The common problem I get from this list is that it is a problem with Orion classloader.  Orion, please let us know what we have to do.

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