I have swapped out the Orion xerces JAR in favor of a newer version, and I
have not seen any problems associated with that change.

> Hi all,
> I am trying to use the most excellent JDom in my web app on Orion (1.3.9) and
> running into a little snag.  For certain parts of its funcationality, JDom
> requires a very recent version of Xerces.  The datestamp on it is Sep 1, 2000
> and it is approx 1,464KBs.  As you can tell this is almost three times as big as
> the xerces jar that is shiped with Orion.  I have tried to include the new
> xerces.jar in the /WEB-INF/lib directory of my war file but to no avail.  Orion
> seems content to pick up its version of the jar (I imagine its a classloader
> thing).
> So my question is, is it ok to swap out Orion's old xerces.jar for the new one?
> Will I run into unforseen trouble down the road?  Is there another way of
> solving this problem that i am unaware of or too ignorant to figure out?
> thanks a bunch...
> mark
> Mark R Mascolino
> The Procter & Gamble Co.

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