Hey jstepka!

Well, I more or less finished it. It is working, and I have some contacts in
the Java/FreeBSD community. But if you have any improvements, suggestions,
ideas, etc, please let me know! :) Oh, and join the freebsd-java mailing list,
too! :)


Justen Stepka wrote:
> Are you looking for any help on this port? I've been working on an
> internal copy and have yet to show anyone outside of my office.
> Justen Stepka
> On Sat, 23 Dec 2000, Ernst de Haan wrote:
> > Hi to all fellow FreeBSD users on o-i,
> > 
> > At the moment I am working on a port for Orion, and it is in beta stage. If
> > anyone would like to comment on it, just poke it, and let me know. There's a
> > tgz available at either of the following locations:
> > 
> >    * http://www.znerd.demon.nl/orion-port.tgz
> >    * http://www.jollem.com/~ernst/orion-port.tgz
> > 
> > Or you can browse the files from either of these locations:
> > 
> >    * http://www.znerd.demon.nl/orion-port/
> >    * http://www.jollem.com/~ernst/orion-port/
> > 
> > Any and all comments are welcome! To test this port thorougly, follow the
> > procedure described at:
> > 
> >    * http://www.freebsd.org/porters-handbook/porting-testing.html
> > 
> > Note that I tested this port with portlint, available from the devel/portlint
> > port.
> > 
> > Note for non-FreeBSD users: This will enable FreeBSD users to install and
> > deinstall Orion in a very easy way. To install:
> > 
> >    # cd /usr/ports/java/orion/ && make install
> > 
> > And to deinstall:
> > 
> >    # cd /usr/ports/java/orion && make deinstall
> > 
> > 
> > Ernst
> > 

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