Interesting point. I agree, and infact I found the CMP primer a bit hard to
read because it wasn't so clean (as far as the code used). However, for the
sake of brevity I am sure they had to cut corners so as not to have a
200-page book. I would have liked to seen a bit more detail and info on the
examples, however. I think a CMP II article should be written, to include
the "latest" MVC model, which is sometimes called Model 3. That is, Using
JSP to return XML output, which is then transformed into HTML, WML or
whatever via XSL, and the output is then returned to the browser. I am
working on just such a thing in my streamlined mvc framework, which I offer
as free source. My framework works very well, and offers some things I
haven't seen in other frameworks, such as auto-population of javabeans used
on the page with support added to handle nested object population within a
javabean. Also, you can choose whether to use auto-population or not on a
per request basis, as well as a very simple to use action class..simply
supply the command=MethodName and implement a public String MethodName()
method in an action class, and its called. I use a small bit of reflection
to call the method in the action class, instead of the command/swtich()
approach often used. Anyways, I have been thinking for quite some time of
creating a small "book" that specifically targets the MVC framework (in
detail) and how to separate the business logic (ejb session beans) from the
controlling logic (controller servlet and instances of action classes) from
the front-end stateful bean (javabean stored in HttpSession), and the JSP
page (view of dynamic data). I just haven't had the time to play around with
it all yet. I am working on my framework to simplify using JSP to return XML
output, and applying XSL to that output to get HTML or something else. When
I am done with this I plan on posting the framework info to this list and
jsp-interest list.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Fyffe Carl
> Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 12:08 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: JSP vs Servlet
> I went to and read the CMP Primer.  Good read.  But it got me
> thinking about a topic that concerns most people that are in large
> development groups.  Seperation of code and html.  Proper MVC
> calls for the
> code to be in the controller while there is little code in the
> view portion
> of the application.  This allows the designers to design and the coders to
> code.
> Were the rules broken for convience or has a new methodology
> taken over?  It
> seems to me that the CMP Primer would have been easier to read and
> understand if MVC had been used.
> This one short coming can easily overlooked to find a gem of an article.
> Are there other primers of's caliber?  What are some
> useful URL's
> that you guys used to get started.
> --Carl

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