
I may be the only one using it, but I really like JCreator at  I haven't felt the need to integrate it with ANT,
but it is a nice (and free) color-coded editor.  JCreator has the features
you listed (click on error and go to the source code line; view methods,
click on the method and go to the source code) and more.

Anyone else out there using JCreator? Comments?

Jay Armstrong

At 06:03 PM 1/9/01 -0800, you wrote:
>   What  is anyone using on Linux for Java development? I would like to use
>ANT and a  Java based text editor (syntax color hightlighting, multi-tab
>windows for quick  access, and tree-view of project (or file structure).
>Infact, I use UltraEdit32  right now which does the job for me since I do
>server-side for web development.  I would also possibly like an output
>window that displays errors so I can  dbl-click on them and move to the
>file/line of the problem, as well as a method  list when a class is
>selected, to jump to a specific method in a  class.   Thanks.     
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Patrick Deloulay    [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001    5:06 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: RE:    Kawa
>   I have 5.0 Ent as well. I have not tried to debug with it. But    when I
>have time I will give it a shot and report it to the list.   As far as I
>know, the debugger is the same in KAWA 4.0, 5.0Pro    and 5.0Ent. 5.0Ent
>integreates with some EJB tools.    So the same debug setup should work as
>well. This is the    original posting from Dave Smith. (Kawa version
>mentioned is  4.0Pro)   Patrick Deloulay 
>   Dave Smith adds: 
>"Debugging with Orion    and Kawa is a pleasure."    Get Kawa Pro (not the
>enterprise version) from Tek-Tools and    install it. Configure your JDK as
>required when you first run Kawa. (Note that    Kawa is a Win32
>application, which is one of the reasons I don't use    it.)   Create a new
>project for your servlets or EJBs. Add orion.jar,    any additional jars
>required by the application, and the deployed class    directory (i.e.,
>c:\applications\myApp\myApp-web\WEB-INF\classes or   
>c:\applications\myApp\myApp-ejb, or both).   From the Project/Interpreter
>menu, set the Java class to run    to com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer
>and remember to tell it to use this    class (as this image, given me by
>Chris Miller, shows). Turn off JVMDI    debugger from the
>Customize/Options/Advanced Paths form, which is for    performance only and
>is not vital.   Add the breakpoints to your servlets and/or EJBs. F5 starts
>   debugging, and Dave adds to "Relax, sit back and enjoy the ride. The
>speed    kills NetBeans dead."   Also from Dave: For a real screamer, use
>Jikes:    Customize/Options/Advanced Paths/Compiler = D:\jikes\jikes.exe
>And set Orion to use jikes from    $ORION/server.xml.    -----Original
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On    Behalf Of Michael S. 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:01 AM 
>To:    Orion-Interest 
>Subject: RE: Kawa 
>     I also found that a number of    features didn't really 
>  I'm holding out    for v5.1.    -=michael=-    -----Original Message----- 
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On    Behalf Of Dumitru 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 1:27 AM 
>To:    Orion-Interest 
>Subject: RE: Kawa 
>   Yesterday, I download the Kawa 5.0 Entreprise from Allaire    site 
>and I didn't find any "out-of-the-box" support    for 
>Orion; Only Weblogic, Jrun and J2ee-ri;     Perhaps on the web page they
>talk about a future version    !?    -----Original Message----- 
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On    Behalf Of Ervin Jakab 
>Sent: vendredi 5 janvier 2001    21:41 
>To: Orion-Interest 
>Subject: Kawa 
>   Maybe some of you are interested to find out that Kawa 5.0    Enterprise
>Allaire has out-of-the-box support for    Orion deployment. Check this out: 
>    . 

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