I've never tried to integrate JSSE with Orion, but we've used the latest
version 1.0.2 and the exportable version has strong encryption.  I'm also
almost certain we've used JSSE 1.0.2 as a client library to connect to 128
bit encrypted servers (that were set to not allow lower encryption).  I
can't say whether this means you can use the export version to create server
sockets with 128 bit encryption, but I would hope so.

Serge Knystautas
Loki Technologies
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sach Jobb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This is legacy problem left over from the stupid restrictions on exporting
> encryption software from the United States.
> You will have to go to http://java.sun.com/products/jsse/ and download the
> latest version (i think it's 1.0.2) that's NOT FOR U.S. EXPORT. This
> version will support 128bit encryption. Please read the installation
> instructions as you will have to made some modifications to
> $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/java.security.
> You -->MIGHT<-- need to create a new keystore and regenerate your
> certificate request and run through the whole process again.
> Read the instructions on orionserver.com howto carefully.
> People on this list have gotten Orion to work with Verisign's Netscape
> 128bit certificate and thwate's 128bit SuperCert (or Super-something
> err-rather).
> cheers,
> sach

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