On Thu, Jan 11, 2001 at 08:20:58AM +0700, Agus K. Pranantoseno wrote:
> I have manage to put my String stored as blob working using cmp.... but if
> the size is more than 1k it's go wrong... (the blob does not stored to the
> db and the next time i restart the orion those entity even failed to
> load)....
> i am used orion 1.3.8 with oracle 8.1.6 both on linux machine....
> is there any limitation in bean size ?? this is orion bug or oracle jdbc bug
> ???
> i only done simply cmp mapping

To use LOB's with Oracle through JDBC, the OCI-based JDBC driver is
required. Thin JDBC (= all Java) won't do it (see the documentation).

LOB's will work, but *unreliably*, with Thin JDBC. Symptoms are sluggish
performance, "broken pipe" SQLException's etc.

AFAIK, there is no OCI JDBC driver for Linux. (I might be wrong though.)



Markus Holmberg         |       Give me Unix or give me a typewriter.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      |       http://www.freebsd.org/

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