Never mind everybody.  It looks as if the latest beta version (1.4.7) of
Orion has finally started implementing these attributes.  It does appear
that the key-size is just a placeholder though so will always return 0
at this point so If you're testing, you probably want to test by
cipher-suite names.


"David C. Papayoanou" wrote:
> I can't seem to find either or
> javax.servlet.request.cipher-suite attributes anywhere in Orion.  The
> second of which is required to be compliant with Servlet Spec 2.3, yet
> it's not even in the latest version (1.4.5) of Orion.  I need to get at
> either the cipher suite name or key size attribute of a SSL connection
> which is possible in numerous other and older servlet engines.  I would
> prefer to be able to get at this in a Filter now that 1.4.5 truly
> supports filters.  I've searched high and low and written to Orion
> repeatedly to no avail.  If anyone knows anything it would be very
> helpful.
> Dave

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