
I would like to express my happiness wrt the fact that Orion is 100% pure Java
code (not the TM-version of that term, perhaps) so it runs on my FreeBSD box
too, with different JDKs (including FreeBSD JDK 1.2.2b10, Sun Linux JDK
1.3.0/1.3.0_01, Blackdown JDK 1.2, etc.)

Actually we plan bringing our J2EE application server online in a few months
on a FreeBSD box. It may not have the best Java implementation available, but
we've run our prototypes on it for months, without any problems (no crashes

Thanks guys! (hail hail!)   ;)


Tim Endres wrote:
> > Orion's performance relative to other J2EE products is debatable, but I
> > believe it is at the very top, if not the fastest.  In addition, Orion is
> > pure Java, so it is very portable (I actually develop on my Win98 laptop).
> I wanted to follow up and expound on this last parenthetical comment.
> I can't say enough about being able to run our entire application on a single
> Win98 box! It means that we can setup a demo on a portable PC, and have a
> marketing person show up at a meeting and run a full demo from that portable.
> We do not need an internet connection, nor a $10,000 machine.
> Also, this means that developers can take work home with them, and not worry
> about their connection to the office. It also means that developers can work
> complete independent of each other, without stepping on eachother with every
> little change to the deployment.
> If Orion were used only for development and demos, and your application was
> then deployed on a different app server, I think it is worth the $1500!
> tim.

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