
I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check http://www.orionsupport.com ?
The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
"Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has

I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
Importance: High

Hello, all.

My company is about to drop Orion.

The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...

We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.

In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?

How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
Has anyone made this work?
Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?

If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.

Dylan Parker

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