You have no group "usergroup" specified in your principals.xml as far as I
can see.

Create a principals.xml like this:

        <group name="usergroup"/>

And then reference that from orion-application.xml.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian
> Billen
> Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 9:43 AM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: EJBUserManager, what am i missing?
> I want to implement EJBUserManager in my application, but the
> authentication
> from the web doesn't accept my credentials and keep popping up
> until finally
> I get a 401.
> Here's how I'm doing it:
> 1) I defined the EJBUserManager in ejb-jar.xml and it gets instantiated
> properly: tables COM_EVERMIND_EJB_EJBUSER and
> 2) I created a user "joeuser" with a password in the user table and made
> that user belong to "usergroup" in groups
> 3) In my web.xml I created a constraint on a resource:
> <security-constraint>
>       <web-resource-collection>
>               <web-resource-name>/protectedurl</web-resource-name>
>       </web-resource-collection>
>       <auth-constraint>
>               <role-name>usergroup</role-name>
>       </auth-constraint>
> </security-constraint>
> <login-config>
>       <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>       <realm-name>myapp-basic-realm</realm-name>
> </login-config>
> <security-role>
>       <role-name>usergroup</role-name>
> </security-role>
> 4) In my application.xml I have a role defined:
> <security-role>
>       <role-name>manager</role-name>
> </security-role>
> 5) In my orion-application.xml I have defined the user manager and the
> role->group mapping:
>     <user-manager class="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUserManager">
>         <property name="home" value="com.evermind.ejb.EJBUser" />
>         <property name="defaultGroups" value="users" />
>     </user-manager>
>     <security-role-mapping name="usergroup">
>       <group name="usergroup" />
>     </security-role-mapping>
> 6) I also removed the reference to principals.xml from
> orion-application.xml
> (If I leave it I get a 403 right away)
> 7) I finally, suggested by searching the list archive, defined
> the groups in
> my principals.xml:
> <principals>
>       <groups>
>         <group name="manager"/>
>       </groups>
> </principals>
> Everthing starts ok, no error message, if I try to access the
> /protectedurl
> I get the basic authentication prompt, I try to fill in "joeuser" with his
> password but Orion doesn't take it and prompt me again until I get a 401
> Unauthorized.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Christian

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