
I wonder if you have met this situation before, I trying to deploy an entity bean with 
one of the field named "password".   I have write the corresponding orion-ejb-jar.xml 
for the persistence mapping within database. Everything seems fine, the xml in the 
application-deployment directory is correct. Until the whole deployment is done, which 
orion compiled all the generated files, the seems to be correct orion-ejb-jar.xml has 
been updated with the "password" field mapping becomes "password_".  Is this a bug or 
just my problem?!

I have tried all the ways and nothing can stop orion change the from "password" to 
"password_"!   When I change the mapping to something else such as "blahblahblah" its 
ok, but not "password".

I really confused about this strange behavior

Nevin Ng

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