On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Nevin Ng wrote:

> I wonder if you have met this situation before, I trying to deploy an
> entity bean with one of the field named "password".  I have write the
> corresponding orion-ejb-jar.xml for the persistence mapping within
> database. Everything seems fine, the xml in the application-deployment
> directory is correct. Until the whole deployment is done, which orion
> compiled all the generated files, the seems to be correct
> orion-ejb-jar.xml has been updated with the "password" field mapping
> becomes "password_".  Is this a bug or just my problem?!

It's supposed to act this way, because "password" is in the "disallowed
field names" list.

You should only need to care about this if you've pregenerated the tables
manually (and the forbidden list is in fact in error).


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