This line jdbc:mysql://luggage/log is not complete and
consider mysql local.

The syntax for url = 

ex: jdbc:oracle:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:777:FDEV

for hsql this points to local
jdbc:HypersonicSQL:./databases/mydb => :. means local

for u I think it should be but I do not know your
network topo try

--- "Koster, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am trying to use MySQL and Orion where the MySQL
> database is located on a
> different host than Orion is.
> The beans look up the datasource in JNDI. I've
> specified the datasource in
> in ejb-jar.xml. (The resource-ref thingy) This is
> found, becasue I no longer
> get naming exceptions.
> In data-sources.xml,  I have specified the proper
> database URI
> (jdbc:mysql://luggage/log).
> However, I get an exception saying that on localhost
> there is no mysql
> database (which is true, 'cuz it's on luggage).
> Obviously Orion is feeding the bean a database URI
> that points to localhost.
> How can I tell Orion to use the database on the
> other machine?
> I've tried shouting in the floppy drive, but that
> does not help either. :-/
>     Kees Jan
> ================================================
>  You are only young once,
>        but you can stay immature all your life.

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