RE: How do we take the next step?

A sig is, classically a _S_pecial _I_nterest _G_roup, in the computer
culture., and are available.  Pick 'em.  Don't
need a license from anyone to be a 'general purpose special interest group,'
as long as you don't purport to be in any 'special' circumstance or make
unfounded claims or use words that have obvious legal meaning.

I've got a fixed IP, but it's on a slow and restricted connection.  I know
an ISP that is easy to work with, charges $39/mo, knows how to run services
for Java, and is relatively small and responsive, and accesses through a
multiple T3 (second-tier backbone access, they're actually a small CLEC).
They also are an accredited registrar for all the above TLD's (turn-around
is typically about 24 hours to propagate through BIND/DNS and the internic).
I'd be willing to donate the first six months worth of host costs, and,
after 30 days, pay for the Orion license myself (gotta run the site on
Orion, don't we?) with these guys or anyone better.

Let's just DO IT.  Anyone else want to help?

Michael Cannon

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 10:28 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: productive comment.
> List,
> We have an organic community here, but the list has been our only output.
> The support from the company is lacking. Orionsupport seems to have been a
> good outlet for some, but appears to be down for a spell.
> Many here have used the other commercial packages (I have used
> weblogic and
> iplanet), but had to suffer through their "seminars" which are just
> over-blown sales meetings. If you are a small company, these are just not
> the products for you.
> It would be nice if we could post "success stories" and "hints"
> directly on
> the OrionServer web site. If they want to commercialize the product, and
> don't have the bucks or people to provide support...let *us* provide this
> service through a "community" process.
> About 18 months ago I started using the netbeans ide. At the time, its was
> the only jave 2 ide out there. The netbeans news server was well
> maintained
> by a support engineer for netbeans. Later they sold out to Sun,
> and a lot of
> that "organic" feeling went away. But the attention that one guy
> gave to the
> news service was great, and made using the product a good experience.
> If we could move the energy prevalent on the orion-interest news service
> into a "community" web page, maybe this could help all of us out? We could
> award *points* to the best answers to questions. We could have an ignore
> button. And yes, we could have a *paid* consultancy service for email
> questions, phone coaching, and even site visits. Many of the
> users of orion
> are independent consultants, so it is not out of the question that a
> community web service for orion wouldn't fill the gap for orion support.
> I think one thing missing from the OrionSupport web site was this last
> bit....some paid service for support. Its also missing from the Ironflare.
> If you notice, you can buy the product...but even if you wanted to pay for
> extra support, they don't sell it.
> If you are reading this at Orion, please consider the McDonald's
> model. They
> had a good idea for a hamburger, but how do you put a restaurant on every
> corner? You franchise the hamburger restaurant idea. Why does'nt Ironflare
> "franchise" the support for Orion? This way they could continue to write
> great software, but others would pay them to give great support
> service for
> Orion.
> I have been trying to call these guys for a month now, with no success.
> So my question is...
> How do we take the next step?
> Regards,
> The elephantwalker
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:44 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: productive comment.
> > David, nothing personal, I'm just hanging my reply off yours as
> >it's the latest one in this thread...BUT some of us are very
> bored of this
> thread popping up every few weeks. Sure, Orion hasn't released a
> new version
> in a couple of months now (I think), and I'm as desperately eager
> for 1.4.8
> as anyone here. Why does
> this always translate to 'Orion is tanking'?
> I know where you are coming from.  I love orion.  The problem I
> have is when
> I have to rationalize its use to others.  Here's the most basic
> recommendation that I think would go a long way (believe it or not)
> include simple news...even just a paragraph or to.  perhaps explaining
> latest updates (in betas).  If you have no news....add link to new
> clients/web sites...I'm sure ...this would take about 10 minutes
> a week and
> would go a long way in helping me convince people to buy
> it...believe it or
> not.  I know it has no relevance on the quality of the product,
> but it would
> make a huge difference in giving the people I work with confidence in
> Orion's future.  This is necessary because orion is not open source and we
> can not update the site as a community.  I know
> this is what
> orionsupport is for, however, when I have to get people to commit
> money to a
> product simple things go a long way.  I hope this was a more productive
> comment.

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