> Is anyone here besides Tim using XSLT in their web application? 

I've been using XSLT for some time. I think a lot of the MVC
dicussions show that people haven't yet hit on the right
application model. MVC really works well in an environment
with shared state... and ahred access to objects. The web 
makes that a bit harder than one would like.

I use XSLT in 2 major modes: one as a JSP tag that can transform
it's body content, and as a servlet that can transform the
content of an arbitrary URL. 

One of the biggest design decisions is whether you are doing
delivery or building an application: the architectures you'll
choose are very different.

You may be interested in a couple of papers I wrote a 
while ago:


I'm in the process (getting close to finished) with a prototype
that provides real MVC using some of the ideas there.

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