Thanks to all for the suggestions. I have two work arounds, thanks to ideas
from the list. However, I was looking to see if anyone could tell whether
the specification dealt with how this should be handled, or if it was
nebulous, or if it was specifically left up to the implementer to decide. I
looked it over, but really didn't see anything. Thanks again for all the
input and helpful suggestions.

- Ernie

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Hubbach
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 9:31 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re:JSP variable in nested Tags


I just had an idea. Why don't you put the whole string in the scriplet,
so instead of
<input:textarea name="comment<%= orderItem.getOrderItemID()%>"
you'd have
<input:textarea name="<%= "comment" + orderItem.getOrderItemID() %>"

That way you just avoid the whole thing.


Jeff Hubbach
Internet Developer
New Media Designs, Inc.

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