Here is the JDBC debugging calls for Orion... just put them in your orion start statement using -D... for example "java -Ddatasource.verbose -Djdbc.debug -jar orion.jar"

Property name Description
datasource.verbose Setting this to true gives you verbose info on datasource-creation. When a new datasource is created (at startup) it will print something like this to the console: "jdbc:HypersonicSQL:defaultdb: Started" or "Orion Pooled Started". You will also be notified when connections are opened, when connections are released to the pool, etc.
jdbc.debug Setting this to true gives you some very verbose information when jdbc calls are made. This information is not as useful as the one for datasource.verbose.
jdbc.nontx.autocommit Can be used to set whether autocommit should be on for non-transaction connections. Specify false to turn it off, normally it is on.
jdbc.connection.debug If you are having trouble with leaking jdbc connections, set this to true to find out where the leaked connection was created.
debug.jdbc.check Set this to true to perform additional tests when using jdbc.debug="true".

  "Koster, K.J." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear All,

I'm having some trouble finding what Orion is doing in my databases. I get
truncated data without any error messages.

How can I see what SQL statements Orion executes? (MySQL, with the mm-mysql
driver, if that matters).

When I have a Java long datatype for a CMP property on an enity bean. It's
mapped to int(11) in the database. How come the values are truncated? Who is
clipping my longs?

Kees Jan

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