Title: SV: JDOM and orion 1.5.2

Maybee setting the java.sax.driver system property (or whatever it is called I don't remember) like:

java -Djava.sax.driver=com.acme.sax.SAX2 -jar orion.jar ?

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Steven De Schutter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Skickat: den 7 juni 2001 17:58
Till: Orion-Interest
Ämne: Re: JDOM and orion 1.5.2

does it work If you start the orionserver with ...

java -classpath sax2.jar;xerces.jar;jaxp.jar;jdom.jar;orion.jar;lib/xmlrpc.jar com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer

( I've downloaded sax2.jar and jdom.jar somewhere ... you have to put sax2.jar and jdom.jar in the same directory as orion.jar . )

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On 7-6-01 at 12:04 Juan Fuentes wrote:

>Tommy Eriksson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem that is driving me crazy.
>> I have been using orion 1.3.8 and jdom for some time now and it works fine
>> (except that it sometimes hangs for a while). When I updated orion to 1.5.2
>> I got the a problem with JDOM complaining about SAX Parser not found. I
>> think this is because JDOM uses xerces and orion have changed from xerces to
>> crimson. I have tride moving xerces.jar to {jre}\lib\ext, but then orion
>> won't even start. So I think that orion reqiuires crimson to be the first
>> XML Parser in the class path and JDOM requires xerces to be the first XML
>> Parser in the class path.
>> So my questions are:
>> 1) Has anyone got JDOM to work with orion 1.5.2?
>> 2) Does anyone have any Idea on how to get JDOM to work with orion 1.5.2?
>> /Tommy
>We're having the same problem. I've tried to put xerces.jar in the
>classpath declaration of orion.jar's MANIFEST.MF, but it continues
>Can JDOM beta 6 work with crimson instead of xerces?
>Juan Fuentes Nieto                   Essi Projects
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]    t +34 977 221 182
>http://www.essiprojects.com      f +34 977 230 170

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