Robert, the parent attribute is only available in Orion AFAIK.

All you need is to setup wire protocols properly. Most are RMI based (like
JRMP), and also, each app server uses its own (ORMI, for instance).
Similary, IIOP may be available.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Viernes, 06 de Julio de 2001 13:43
> Subject: communication among ejbs in different applications
> Hi,
> Is there anybody had the experience to use EJB A in App 1 to 
> call EJB B in App 2, as long as EJB C in App 2 to call EJB D 
> in App 1. The half of the solution is to use the parent 
> attribute in application tag ( one-way), but I also need 
> another half to form a two-way communication.
> I tried to parent each other, but failed. I tried to use RMI, 
> but it did not work either.
> Any suggestion will be highly appreciated!
> Have a nice weekend!
> Robert Ren
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