Hi, Juan:
Thank for your help.
In fact, recently, we tested several combinations of App a and App b.
( Becasue the parent attribute is only for Orion, we gave it up.) And, also
we tested the context solution by using JNDI.
The results are :
Senario 1:
If we put the appA.jar in the classPath of appB, and put the appB.jar in the
classpath of appA, we can pass the compiling sucessfully, but got Class not
defined error when we tried to initialize a context in one EJB in App A to
look up the EJB in App B;
If we forced the App A to jar with App B, so the appA-ejb.jar file contains
both App A classes and App B classes. In this way, we did see the all ejbs
in App B via context, but when we cast it, we got CastException error
Still the old question, can we make this kind call?



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 2:20 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications

first, let's get one thing out of the way:

'parent' attribute is a JNDI facility, no more, no less.

there still are separate "containers" for each app (this may not be useful
in all apps, specially since transactions may not function as expected)
it allows for JNDI properties to propagate BOTH ways (they always propagate
from father to son, default father being the "default-app")

Now, this is where I was aiming to:

have apps A, B deployed; do not use "parent" attribute.

connect A & B apps using JNDI parameterized contexts (see connecting from
applet, application in www.orionsupport.com)

Pray for correct transaction enroling/2PC.

Juan Pablo

PS: Are you sure these errors you get are provoked by each App correctly
'seeing' the other?
the dump looks like a bug in orion's JMS implementation

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Lunes, 09 de Julio de 2001 13:47
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
> Hi,Juan:
> Thank you for your suggestion.
> Do you think this kind of calls will violate any J2EE specs?
> I mean that one
> ejb in parent  application should have one container, and the
> ejbs in child
> app should have thire own container. So, the question: does
> this kind call
> violate any container specs?
> It's pretty interesting, in one ejb of the parent app, when a
> new context
> initialized, I already saw the all ejbs in child app, but if I try to
> instance one of them, the ejb got removed, and the server
> complained that
> the class is not defined, although, I put the .jar file
> including all class
> in the classpath and import the ejb's remote and home
> interface also.  The
> error is following:
> The lookup is=com.evermind.naming.MapNamingEnumeration@28c19b
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.commerce.ejb.CommerceService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.attachments.ejb.AttachmentService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.product.ejb.ProductService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.contact.ejb.ContactService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.deliveryorder.ejb.DeliveryOrderService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.mlcaller.ejb.MLCaller
> the Name is =java:comp
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.subscriber.ejb.SubscriberService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.object.ejb.ObjectService
> the Name is =com.qmarkets.mas.permissions.ejb.PermissionService
> the  ref object is
> Call MLQListenerBean.ejbRemove()
> MsgReceiverStartup.onMessage: RemoteException was thrown
> com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: Transaction was
> rolled back:
> java.
> lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserServiceHome
>         at
> MLQListener_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.onMessage(MLQListener_Statel
> essSessionBeanWrapper2.java:83)
>         at
> com.qmarkets.ml.qlistener.client.QListenerClient.onMessage(QListenerC
> lient.java:103)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.Session.ew_(progress/message/jclient/Session
> .java:1313)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.QueueSession.run(progress/message/jclient/Qu
> eueSession.java:623)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.sl.run(progress/message/jclient/Session$Sess
> ionThread.java:1240)
>         Nested exception is:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> com.qmarkets.mas.user.ejb.UserServiceHome
>         at
> com.qmarkets.ml.qlistener.ejb.MLQListenerBean.class$(MLQListenerBean.
> java:23)
>         at
> com.qmarkets.ml.qlistener.ejb.MLQListenerBean.onMessage(MLQListenerBe
> an.java:89)
>         at
> MLQListener_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper2.onMessage(MLQListener_Statel
> essSessionBeanWrapper2.java:53)
>         at
> com.qmarkets.ml.qlistener.client.QListenerClient.onMessage(QListenerC
> lient.java:103)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.Session.ew_(progress/message/jclient/Session
> .java:1313)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.QueueSession.run(progress/message/jclient/Qu
> eueSession.java:623)
>         at
> progress.message.jclient.sl.run(progress/message/jclient/Session$Sess
> ionThread.java:1240)
> Thanks!
> Rob
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
> (Chile)
> Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 12:43 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: communication among ejbs in different applications
> Robert, the parent attribute is only available in Orion AFAIK.
> All you need is to setup wire protocols properly. Most are
> RMI based (like
> JRMP), and also, each app server uses its own (ORMI, for instance).
> Similary, IIOP may be available.
> JP
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Ren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Viernes, 06 de Julio de 2001 13:43
> > Subject: communication among ejbs in different applications
> >
> >
> > Hi,
> > Is there anybody had the experience to use EJB A in App 1 to
> > call EJB B in App 2, as long as EJB C in App 2 to call EJB D
> > in App 1. The half of the solution is to use the parent
> > attribute in application tag ( one-way), but I also need
> > another half to form a two-way communication.
> > I tried to parent each other, but failed. I tried to use RMI,
> > but it did not work either.
> > Any suggestion will be highly appreciated!
> >
> > Have a nice weekend!
> >
> > Robert Ren
> >
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