
Yes, you have to edit the file by hand. I know that isn't what you wanted
to hear, but it's alot nicer than what JRun was asking us to do for CMP
(writing the full query for everything, it wouldn't generate a single
findBy or create).
You can edit the orion-ejb-jar.xml, then include it in your ejb.jar. Just
remember that the only time this file gets copied over is on initial


On Sun, 08 Jul 2001 17:13:47 -0500
Kit Cragin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have discovered that when creating a finder with 2 parameters, the
>resulting orion-ejb-jar.xml that gets generated by Orion outputs
><finder-method query="">
>instead of
><finder-method query="$columnOne = $1 AND $columnTwo = $2">
>for the finder example below. Single-parameter finders seem to generate
>correct query. Has anyone experienced this problem? Is there a
>or should I report this as an enhancement request or bug? Please don't
>me I have to edit this file by hand or some sort of processing during a
>- Kit
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kit Cragin
>Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 12:30 PM
>To: Orion-Interest
>Subject: 2 parameter finder finding wrong thing
>I am using EJB 2.0 and have a finder method that takes 2 parameters (e.g.
>the WHERE clause looks something like "WHERE columnOne = ?1 AND columnTwo
>No matter what I do, it does not return the right entity. I have tried
>single-object return, Collection return, narrowing, not narrowing,
>parameters, etc.
>I am running Orion 1.4.7 on HypersonicSQL for my testbed. Any ideas?
>Kit Cragin
>VP of Product Development
>Mongoose Technology, Inc.

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