Hello Nick,

Thursday, July 12, 2001, 5:57:56 PM, you wrote:

NN> Hi Christoph,

NN> Sending a file to the server is a specialized little job.  The Orion server 
NN> supplies some orion-specific classes to help (see www.orionsupport.com and 
NN> search for 'upload').  Alternatively, I have written some generic J2EE code 
NN> for the same task, and you are welcome to have that - just drop me a 
NN> line.  (The orionsupport guys said they'd post it on their website, but so 
NN> far it's not there.)

Hey nick!

It would be great if you could send me your code.
I have the upload from the client to the webserver already going. What
I need now is to get the file into a ejb.


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