www.orionsupport.com now has Nick's classes on it (see the File
Upload" link.) 

As for storing it in an EJB... beware, here be dragons and really poor
network latency.

On Fri, 13 Jul 2001, Christoph Sturm wrote:

> Hello Nick,
> Thursday, July 12, 2001, 5:57:56 PM, you wrote:
> NN> Hi Christoph,
> NN> Sending a file to the server is a specialized little job.  The Orion server 
> NN> supplies some orion-specific classes to help (see www.orionsupport.com and 
> NN> search for 'upload').  Alternatively, I have written some generic J2EE code 
> NN> for the same task, and you are welcome to have that - just drop me a 
> NN> line.  (The orionsupport guys said they'd post it on their website, but so 
> NN> far it's not there.)
> Hey nick!
> It would be great if you could send me your code.
> I have the upload from the client to the webserver already going. What
> I need now is to get the file into a ejb.
> regards
>  chris

Joseph B. Ottinger                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://adjacency.org/                         IT Consultant

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