I also found setting the Min and Max JVM memory
settings (–xms####M and xmx####M) greatly
improved performance.

Here is another JVM trick I used that also helped
- set the NEW GENERATION memory allocation
higher... the switch is -xmn####M . This helps
tune the JVM garbage collection and scavenger
frequency to ensure discarded objects are removed
efficiently without unnecessarily halting the
system for a gc priority thread.

I used -xmn512M and the system flies with no

--- "Duffey, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am interested in your two fixes. Have you (or
> anyone) noticed that Orion
> actually requires 175MB of RAM? Is there a
> definite need to use both memory
> switches, or perhaps one over the other? What
> is the use and/or meaning of
> each switch? What I find funny is I just
> installed JDK 1.3.1 and noticed the
> /server, /classic and /hotspot dirs under bin
> which contain the jvm.dll that
> Windows uses. I was actually going to post an
> email to this and JSP interest
> list asking what the benefits and differences
> are between the 3 jvms. I
> haven't been able to find anything on the sun
> site that details how they are
> different. Can you fill me in if you know, what
> makes the server jvm better?
> Is it better overall for all use (other than
> client-side SWING apps)? I
> thought the hotspot was the best because of the
> inline JIT that converts
> code to native..and thus should speed it up
> greatly. Is the server better
> just for production use, or for anyone running
> Orion locally for web
> development as well? Ideally, I would think we
> want our development, qa,
> staging and live servers to all run the same
> JVM to make sure we all see any
> problems that arise.
> Thanks.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert S. Sfeir
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 10:51 AM
> > To: Orion-Interest
> > Subject: Orion Performance Tuning
> >
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I've gone through and read most of the
> information posted
> > from this list
> > about improving the performance of Orion, and
> increasing the
> > number of
> > threads Orion uses to improve its overall
> performance under load.
> >
> > What I've been able to do so far, and it's
> helped a lot, is:
> > 1- Added the -Xms and -Xmx switches to make
> sure Orion starts
> > and uses more
> > memory, they're set at 100MB and 300MB
> respectively, and
> > Orion uses 175MB
> > as soon as I start it up, and doesn't seem to
> grow past 177MB
> > as the day
> > goes one and it gets used.
> >
> > 2- I added the -server switch in front of the
> java command so
> > we make sure
> > we use the Server version of the HotSpot VM.
> (Boy does this
> > thing pick up
> > speed when using the -server switch!)
> >
> > Is there anything else that can be done,
> short of clustering,
> > to further
> > increase Orion's performance?
> >
> > My main objective is to make sure we don't
> get any more weird
> > hangs and
> > long wait times in Orion for no apparent
> reason.  Perhaps
> > increasing the
> > number of threads Orion uses?  I can't seem
> to find any
> > definite answer on
> > that.
> >
> > Our servlet seems to be fine, but sometimes
> when clicking
> > through a test
> > web site, one url request seemed to just sit
> there and hang,
> > as if Orion
> > was dead, but I could click and request a
> different URL and
> > get immediate
> > response.  So I assumed it was threads in
> Orion which were not being
> > managed properly.
> >
> > After making reading the posts to the list
> and making the the
> > 2 changes
> > above, the problem seemed to have gone away
> for the most
> > part, except it
> > still happens from time to time in Netscape,
> IE doesn't seem
> > to have this
> > problem.  I can quit Netscape and go back in
> and the problem
> > is gone for a
> > while.  There is no specific time frame for
> it to happen.  It
> > does happen
> > consistently when I click, then stop for
> about 30-60 seconds,
> > then click
> > again or reload, and it just sits there and
> waits for the
> > world to come to
> > an end of something.  Very bizarre.
> >
> > Any ideas you may have would be of great
> help.
> >
> > Thanks
> > R
> >
> >
> > Robert S. Sfeir
> > Director of Software Development
> > PERCEPTICON corporation,
> >     in Joint Venture With JTransit
> > San Francisco, CA 94123
> > pw - http://www.percepticon.com/
> > jw - http://jtransit.com
> >

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