  I ran into the same problem with RunExecSvc on a Windows2000
Server.  The solution, use JNT from http://www.eworksmart.com/JNT/.  It
was very simple to setup and use.  The only problem is that the Service
Control Panel does not seem to detect that Orion has shutdown.

-matthew porter

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Eddie wrote:

> Please some help running Orion as an Win 2000 service as it doesn't work as 
>explained on the Oriosupport.com site.
> On this site they talk about using the program called "RunExeSvc.exe". When I use 
>this and add Orion as a service it gives me the following error: "Error number: 997 
>-- Overlapped I/O operation is in progress". Even if try it on other computer and try 
>different configurations, it gives me the same errors.
> Anyone any idea what it could be ? or any advice how to run Orion as a service ?
> Eddie

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