I'm having some issues with using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver with

Let me give you some context:

Although I have some past experience with Orion (servlets, beans, jsp), I've
never used its Data Sources, so I know next to nothing about them.  And,
although the community and documentation have improved of late, Orion's
documentation is still pretty sparse.  When it came time to spend some time
with EJB, I moved over to JBoss, which has stronger documentation, for a
while, and while on JBoss, I started making use of the Microsoft SQL Server
driver beta, which has proved to be quite reasonable (which is not too
surprising, since it's the Merant driver).

Due to some performance issues, I wanted to see how the application we're
working on would run under Orion, so I downloaded the latest, and started to
try and configure it.  The basic steps were still pretty easy, but now I'm
stuck on the data source - no matter what I do, I can't seem to get Orion to
recognize the SQL Server driver.

Has anyone tried it yet?  Am I missing something obvious?

I put the driver JARs (three of them: msbase, msutil, mssqlserver) in
orion/lib.  I modified the data-sources.xml to use the driver, as follows:






When orion starts, it says the following:
Error initializing data-source 'jdbc/SqlServerDS': DriverManagerDataSource
driver 'com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver' not found

What does this mean?  It can't find the driver?  The JARs are in orion lib,
I've checked that several times, including that the driver name is right,
and the class is in the JAR.  I can't swear that Orion is loading the JARs,
because it doesn't put that out to the console or log files, so I don't
really know that it's doing that, but I'm assuming it is.

It does say 'DriverManagerdataSource driver', so perhaps the driver isn't
what it's expecting.  Should I be using another class?  Based on the
descriptions in the API docs and the Hypersonic example, this seems like a
reasonable class to use.

Suggestions?  Anyone know where I can go from here?


        - Geoffrey Wiseman

Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
Medium One
t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

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