hi geoff... i think that the jar files for the driver is corrupt somehow...
i solved the problem by unzipping them and voila it worked

also remember to set the correct database schema in the datasource

morten wilken
----- Original Message -----
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 16. november 2001 17:25
Subject: Microsoft JDBC Driver - Issues w/ Data Source

> I'm having some issues with using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver
> Orion.
> Let me give you some context:
> Although I have some past experience with Orion (servlets, beans, jsp),
> never used its Data Sources, so I know next to nothing about them.  And,
> although the community and documentation have improved of late, Orion's
> documentation is still pretty sparse.  When it came time to spend some
> with EJB, I moved over to JBoss, which has stronger documentation, for a
> while, and while on JBoss, I started making use of the Microsoft SQL
> driver beta, which has proved to be quite reasonable (which is not too
> surprising, since it's the Merant driver).
> Due to some performance issues, I wanted to see how the application we're
> working on would run under Orion, so I downloaded the latest, and started
> try and configure it.  The basic steps were still pretty easy, but now I'm
> stuck on the data source - no matter what I do, I can't seem to get Orion
> recognize the SQL Server driver.
> Has anyone tried it yet?  Am I missing something obvious?
> I put the driver JARs (three of them: msbase, msutil, mssqlserver) in
> orion/lib.  I modified the data-sources.xml to use the driver, as follows:
> <data-source
> name="MicrosoftSqlServer"
> location="jdbc/SqlServerDS"
> connection-driver="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"
> ;SelectMethod=cursor"
> username="user"
> password="password"
> inactivity-timeout="30"
> class="com.evermind.sql.DriverManagerDataSource"
> />
> When orion starts, it says the following:
> Error initializing data-source 'jdbc/SqlServerDS': DriverManagerDataSource
> driver 'com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver' not found
> What does this mean?  It can't find the driver?  The JARs are in orion
> I've checked that several times, including that the driver name is right,
> and the class is in the JAR.  I can't swear that Orion is loading the
> because it doesn't put that out to the console or log files, so I don't
> really know that it's doing that, but I'm assuming it is.
> It does say 'DriverManagerdataSource driver', so perhaps the driver isn't
> what it's expecting.  Should I be using another class?  Based on the
> descriptions in the API docs and the Hypersonic example, this seems like a
> reasonable class to use.
> Suggestions?  Anyone know where I can go from here?
> Thanks,
> - Geoffrey Wiseman
> __________________________________________________________
> Geoffrey Wiseman: Internet Applications Manager
> Medium One
> t. 416.977.2101 x. 529
> http://www.mediumone.com/
> __________________________________________________________
> Think it.  Build it.  Work it.

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