Sorry but that is just not true.  You can have two processes each with their
own address listening on the same port.  In fact you can have a process per
address since the unique combination must be address and port, the kernel
sorts all the rest out.  If you have netcat installed on your linux machine
try the following nc -s ip1 -l -p 2000 in another terminal run nc -s
ip2 -l -p 2000.  Both processes will be bound to port 2000 and you can
connect to each as you would expect.

The original poster's problem is likely that he does not have IIS properly
configured to listen on only one address.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Maximilian Eberl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: question about ip allocation

> Your machine has 2 IP-adresses but only one port 80 !
> No 2 servers can listen on 1 port - no matter how many network cards You
> pull in.
> You have to bind the IPs to different ports.
> I am doing this on Linux but don't know how this is done on Windows.
> Max
> --
> Maximilian Eberl
> - developer -
> Ludwigstrasse 2
> D-67346 Speyer / Germany
> tel: +49-6232-2602-02
> fax: +49-6232-2602-05

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