Hi all

Thanks for all your informative responses!

>Sorry but that is just not true.  You can have two processes each with
>own address listening on the same port.  In fact you can have a process per
>address since the unique combination must be address and port, the kernel
>sorts all the rest out.  If you have netcat installed on your linux machine
>try the following nc -s ip1 -l -p 2000 in another terminal run nc -s
>ip2 -l -p 2000.  Both processes will be bound to port 2000 and you can
>connect to each as you would expect.

>The original poster's problem is likely that he does not have IIS properly
>configured to listen on only one address.

This is very interesting I've downloaded netcat for Windows 2000. I can't
execute those two commands you've suggested.

On the second command it says:

"Can't grab with bind"

Either the two versions of netcat differ or maybe it doesn't work on

Thanks in advance,

Morten Raahede Knudsen
 Morten Raahede Knudsen                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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