
An Oracle manager told me last November that they wouldn't have ejb-ql until
the summer, but Oracle is saying this is out in the _latest_ jdeveloper
version. Getting a handle on which version is actually released by Oracle
and which is "early access" is a bit dodgy. IIOP is also supposed to be in
the latest "early access" version of Oracle.

The other vendors play similar games, as I don't believe weblogic 7.0 is yet

Ironflare is much more clear on this point, since Ironflare's website
clearly indicates that 1.5.2 only meets ejb 1.1 with some support for ejb
2.0 public draft (this is ancient in j2ee time, since the pd was out _two_
years ago), and the changes.txt of the 1.5.4 experimental version indicates
conformance with "features" of ejb 2.0, but does not mention total
compatibility with ejb 2.0.

If you have a test ejb with ejb-ql (say from Ed Roman's book), why don't you
test it out in this latest version from Oracle oc4j or 1.5.4. It may work.


the elephantwalker

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Simon Stewart
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:20 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Orion EJB 2.0 final

Apologies, I probably didn't make myself sufficiently clear. With EJB
2.0, aren't finder queries meant to be specified in the ejb-jar.xml
file using EJB-QL? Consequently, Orions's lack of support for EJB-QL
means that it's currently not possible to write portable CMP EJBs.

Yes, I realise that you can get the orion-ejb-jar.xml file and edit
the finders in that, but one of the touted benefits of the latest
release of J2EE is that CMP is now a lot more portable between app
servers, and doing that destroys this benefit.

Or have I missed something? Still finding my feet with J2EE
programming, so if anyone wants to set me straight, I'd appreciate it.

On Wed, Mar 27, 2002 at 04:07:43AM -0800, Ray Harrison wrote:
> Simon -
> No its not tricky, I write them all the time. Orion has always had a
>  sophisticated finder
> mechanism to provide (at least) some of the functionality of ejb-ql. And I
> haven't worked with the
> JBoss 3.0 beta so I can't comment there.
> Cheers
> Ray
> --- Simon Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 04:36:44PM -0800, The elephantwalker wrote:
> > > sans ejb-ql, 1.5.4 is compatible.
> >
> > Silly question, but doesn't this make writing EJB 2.0 CMP beans a
> > little tricky? And if it's not too far off topic, how does JBoss
> > compare?



<dngor> Every little bit of seaweed kelps.

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