'db' writes:

> There are at least two instances that I know if in Pesher Habbakuk in
> the sect or community is referred to apparently as "The House of Judah."
> db

This is said a lot but I don't know where in 1QpHab that would be.
At 8.1 you have 'all the doers of the law in the house of Judah'.
That is BBYT YHWDH (with a B- preposition). The
'doers of the law' would be the sect. They are present in Judah
(B-, 'in' Judah), just as the Wicked Priest and Jerusalem
are also present in Judah, in the world of Pesher Habakkuk

At 12.4 there is 'the simple ones of Judah, the doers of the law'.
Here there are two 'righteous group terms' in apposition.
The first expression, 'the simple ones of Judah', PT'Y YHWDH
is a construct expression in which 'Judah' modifies 'simple ones'.
It is a statement of location, saying that these 'simple ones'
(who are also doers of the law) are in Judah. It is not saying
they are 'Judah'. For that you need to find the word 'Judah'
in apposition to a righteous group term, not in construct.
PT'Y is grammatically a construct expression, not a noun
in absolute form followed by 'Judah' which would be
apposition suggesting identity of nature.
Compare 4QpPsA 1-10 ii 14, 'ruthless
ones of the covenant who are in the house of Judah', etc.,
same point. That is not calling the wicked ones 'the house
of Judah'.

Greg Doudna

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