Russell Gmirkin said:

>>To my mind, a title "Messiah of Aaron and Israel" -- referring to a
single individual -- makes no sense.  It just seems unintelligible and
self-contradicting, on a common sense level.  Where, in the HB or the
Qumran corpus (excluding the phrase in question) is Aaron synonymous
or interchangeable with Israel?  I just don't consider it a serious
possibility, but perhaps this is a mistake on my part - my approach
here is somewhat superficial (as I indicated in my original


When I too answered Barb's inquiry (off-list), I offered several kinds
of anointed leaders as examples (basically royal & high priest, with
variations depending on political circumstances). These positions are
essentially appointed positions (with anointing being a feature of
such official appointments), whether appointed as leader of the
priesthood & temple cultus, or as king or prince/governor.

Each position had its own domain (high priest over temple cult,
sometimes even governorship, and prince/king over
provincial/government affairs). That got me to thinking about John
Hyrcanus I assuming the dual titles priest and king (speaking
colloquially, of course).

A modern analogy might be a case where a single individual is a vice
president of both sales and research at his/her place of employment.
We could easily say "Vice President (sg) of Sales and Research" rather
than "Vice President of Sales and Vice President of Research." One the
other hand, we might find it awkward to say "S/He holds the Vice
Presidencies of (both) Sales and Research."

How many examples can we find in this general period of individuals
who hold several titles (and thus rule several domains)
simultaneously, and how are they addressed when two or more of these
titles are referenced? Secondarily, how might copyists render such
phrases when the original meaning of a phrase contrasts with the
copyists' own perceptions of anointed rulership?


Dave Hindley
Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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