Hi Patrick,

>> There can't be a a "target" nor a TBinfileImplDS for the superdatastore.

This still holds true...

> You almost had me convinced and I already changed quite a bit of code,
> until I came to the point where I wanted to call dsSetClientSyncParams()
> for the superdatastore. If that store has no target associated with it,
> how can the client set the URI?

Yes, you're right, I forgot about the remote URI

> The only solution I see is to make the subdatastore URI's more complex:
> instead of <foo>, let's use <foo:uri> where "foo" is the name of the
> superdatastore and "uri" its remote URI.

Makes sense. Just a cosmetic thought: why not <foo>uri, so the "real" remote 
URI would still be on the same syntax level as for other datastores, whereas 
the angle bracket serves as a prefix container for options to treat that URI 
differently locally.

Best Regards,

Lukas Zeller (l...@synthesis.ch)
Synthesis AG, SyncML Solutions  & Sustainable Software Concepts
i...@synthesis.ch, http://www.synthesis.ch

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