Hi Wesley,

a few weeks ago we were discussing how (and when) to move the configurator
data from dispersed files inside the packages/ directory into the OSCAR
database. That would make your life much easier because you'd just need a
method to enter the correct configuration variable names into the database
instead of displaying and parsing some HTML or XML code from the command
line. It would also make our lives easier once we put a Web GUI around the
whole thing. This is not directly aimed at getting rid of the configurator way
of doing things, but at storing the results in a more reasonable way than

So if you care about this and DongInn feels like looking into it, we should
rediscuss this.


On Thursday 08 June 2006 15:02, Wesley Bland wrote:
> As you may have seen this summer I'm working on making a CLI for the OSCAR 
> Installer.  As I have moved into the configurator step (Step 2), I have run 
> into a major problem.  HTML is very difficult to parse into a command line 
> format.  Essentially what I have to do is write my own HTML browser to print 
> the HTML and get responses from the users when there is an INPUT tag.  
> Already this is a huge pain, but it gets worse as I start to try to parse the 
> INPUT tags to create prompts.
> For example, logically, to use a radio button, a label is necessary.  
> However, 
> in HTML there is no way to connect a label to a button because the label 
> could be to the left, right, above, or below the button.  Other problems 
> arise when trying to connect things like checkboxes, which have no way to be 
> tied together.
> What I ask from you guys is to consider the possibility of converting the 
> Configurator to use XML input files instead of HTML, i.e., configurator.xml 
> instead of configurator.html.
> Using XML would make solving all these problems much easier and allow me to 
> get this CLI going by the end of the summer.  For the moment, the HTML (used 
> by GUI) and XML (used by CLI) versions could coexist until a better solution 
> (converting the GUI to XML, etc.) is realized.
> I am told that these configurator files do not change very often, and it 
> would 
> not be a huge pain to maintain an HTML and XML version for a while especially 
> since they are not very complex pages.
> Please send me any input you have and keep an eye on the wiki page to keep up
> with progress on the CLI.
> Thanks,
> Wesley

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