Continuing the discussion about Configurator:

What is your idea about moving the configurator stuff to the ODA?  I'm not 
opposed to the idea as it would probably make things simpler for me, but the 
problem that I run into is that I only have 6 1/2 weeks left here and if we 
decide to go with the database option, I'm afraid that it wouldn't be ready 
to go in time with all the current effort being poured into 5.0.  The other 
problem that you run in to when moving stuff into the database is that while 
it's easy to look up and modify the keys and their values, you will also need 
some fields to keep track of a few other things related to that key such as a 
description and possibly a type (if you wanted to use things like radio 
buttons or check boxes) to know how to group things.

Another option would be to use some sort of hybrid that includes both XML and 
the database where all the values are stored in the database and the 
"formatting" and plain text for the page would be stored in XML.  
Unfortunately this too would be difficult to implement quickly.

So you can see my problem in that while the database would certainly be easier 
and probably better in the long run, would it be possible to implement it in 
the next couple of weeks?


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