hi Red1,

point taken, Adempiere is not 'yours', but I perceive you as its
symbolic head, and definitely someone that has major contribs. to
drive its success...

and yes, I'm still guessing.... ;-)

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 7:02 PM, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:
> You are a devil alright and mostly right!
> One little point though is that please do not associate adempiere as
> mine, irrespective of my neckhold on it. I very much wants it to be a
> Malaysian pride and might. All your ideas can make it happen faster.
> I this week am at Park Royal attending the International Software
> Testing Qualification Board and met up with a very interesting contact
> that can turn the whole project worldwide around. Strange how Karma
> works, so i would leave it mysteriously at that :) (to leave the devil
> guessing)
> Boh Yap wrote:
>> hi all,
>> yes, let's discuss on open lists, this is after all an 'open
>> community'. And Red1 has been honest and open in sharing his fetish in
>> this thread (see last few posts ;-)
>> https://mail.google.com/mail/#search/fetish/12445fea336919fc
>> Also I agree with Red1, let's outgrow our 'kiasu' attitude! From my
>> experiance, this 'kiasu' atitude is not a monopoly of Malaysia or even
>> Singapore. This exists even for example, with China....
>> Red1, again I want to play devil's advocate,
>> 1. you can't build a national IT policy on just ONE PRODUCT
>>     ALONE, ERP, altho it has wide applications (yes, any business
>>     entity would require an ERP, but you're missing many other
>> opportunities... read on)
>> 2. I would also like to push the healthcare IT agenda, for MSC8, the
>>     following reasons:
>>     - Everybody needs healthcare, more so with our deteriorating
>>       health standards, and hence a very wide market.
>>     - Healthcare is not a price sensitive market, when did you last
>>       bargain with yr doctor?, as opposed to someone bargaining for a
>>       cheaper ERP solution..
>>     - There is a wide range of high-end services under the healthcare
>>       umbrella, hence investment/biz development opportunity..
>>       ie: Medical imaging, in today's Star Clinical Trials - all highly IT
>>       intensive.
>>     - We have an opportunity to be world-class, especially in LHR
>>       (Lifelong Health Record) by leveraging(reviving?) our smartcard
>>       NRIC.
>>     - and to correct a perception - healthcare is not ERP. Although
>>       there is some overlap, like in areas of inventory, asset
>>       management, logistics, the rest are not.
>>     - Potential to provide world-class services, Healthcare has some
>>       very strong and complex standards, HL7, Snomed, LOINC, ...
>>       and experts and solutions for these earn big consultg bucks..
>>     - Huge potential to do joint research with foreign Uni's, there are
>>       FOSS projects from anything like Medical Imaging (think, 3D
>>       games applied to medical), to LHR done by Uni like UCLA, MIT,
>>       Harvard Med School, Imperial College etc...
>> PS http://www.mscmalaysia.my/topic/Enhanced+Health+Services
>>   If you go to the above URL, you'll see that MSC talks about Health
>>   Services and has a list of 'services' - LHR is one of them!
>>   But other than MyHealth, the rest is vapourware?
>>   And my question of MyHealth: is this the only outcome of the $$M
>>   spent on the 'telemedicine flagship'?, its nothing more than a
>>   brochureware portal!
>>    Its forums are unmoderated, nobody seems to be answering,
>>    and its littered with MLM guys pushing bogus? healthcare
>>    products...
>> 3. Lets not also forget the 'sexy' (in politicians and investors mind)
>>     sectors like BioTech and GreenTech. (And these sectors have $$)
>>     Both these sectors require a lot of IT, and to leave this out of a
>>     MSC8 plan is just.... dumb. Here's why we shld work with these
>>     parties.
>>    Biotech -
>>      relies heavilly on genetics engineering, and genetic sequencing
>>      and workg with genetic database would not be possible without
>>      IT.
>>      Also sophisticated Lab machinery depends heavilly on
>>      computer control snd programming, again requiring IT skills.
>>    GreenTech -
>>       Also requires a lot of IT, for the initial CAD/CAM engineering
>>       design & fabrication (CNC (Computerised Numerial Control)
>>       machine tools, robotics, etc...)
>>       Also most GreenTech, be it Water Recycling, Wind Energy,
>>       etc... require a lot of automated controls, needing expertise in
>>       embedded systems design and programming... again another
>>       aspect of IT!
>> 4. Education: always been my bitch and pitch...
>>      We HAVE TO revamp education, otherwise ALL of the above
>>      including ERP is a pipe dream! The original MSC failed largely
>>      because of education (can't produce the manpower, where are
>>      the 1,000 Java programmers, the 80 PHDs in data/radio
>>      comm.....), and MSC8 too will fail if edu doesn't change.
>>      Yes Red1, I know your plans include a Adempiere Research
>>      Center, that is well and good, but if basic technical skills is
>>      not part of the core curriculum we still have a problem, eventho
>>      you have have 100's ERP consultants... these will be just
>>      business processes people.
>> 5. Need to create a Hacker Culture
>>     By this I mean we gotta change public perception of what a
>>     hacker (and here I mean a good programmer, not a malicious
>>     criminal that works with computers) is. That a 'hacker' is a
>>     honourable and well paying job. Its as prestigous as a lawyer or
>>     engineer.. . and parents would encourage their kids to be
>>     programmers, instead of just lawyers and doctors...
>>     How? Perhaps Rafe's idea of a widely publicised programming
>>     competition is a good start. Perhaps there should be regular an
>>     inter-school coding, website-design, security hacking
>>     competition...
>>     Perhaps a local production company will produce a short series
>>     on hackers... c'mon lets come out with ideas...
>>     If we can do this, ie: get the perception that nerds/hackers
>>     are not social outcasts, but are role models - that will feed into
>>     the edu system and provide the skilled manpower to drive MSC8.
>>     (c'mon how many ppl decide to become lawyers because of all the
>>      'glamorous' TV series? Can we do the same for IT? ..if I'm not
>>      wrong, I read that at one time US law school recruitment shot up
>>      because of the series 'LA Law' in the 90's)
>> 6. Need to build and nurture the ecosystem...
>>     Nothing exist in a vacuum; can't can't have an industry if you
>>     don't have the HR, and having (badly trained?) HR without jobs
>>     also doesn't work. Also we have to LEAP FROG the rest of the
>>     world to be competitive. More of the SAME, BUSINESS AS
>>     USUAL, will only see us a 2nd rate 'me too', yes can survive, but
>>     still 2nd Rate.
>>    The ecosystem consists of the Gov as a regulator and possibly
>>    consumer of services & products, entrepreneurs innovating and
>>    producing products/services, education producing the HR & skills,
>>    private sector as the market for such services and products.
>> Include all of the above, and you'll make up the 500 pgs easy.
>> And I can find you someone who can work on the embedded and
>> instrumentation part, he builds real stuff, if you want help to write
>> that part of the report...
>> We have missed many opportunities - here's the bitching part - but
>>    it helps to bring historical perspective...
>>    - we missed the boat with semiconductors,
>>    M'sia was one the first to do packaging for the big boys, Intel,
>>    Motorola, AMD, TI, we even formed MIMOS to nurture our own
>>    semicond technology.... 20+ yrs later, the lead was lost to
>>    Taiwan/Korea, they have some of the largest wafer foundry, and
>>    we ended up buying some 2nd-hand wafer plant, now located in
>>    Sarawak! And our semicond packaging business are moving to
>>    China...
>>    - we missed opportunities with biotech,
>>    I personally know of a few Msians with biotech IP, who was
>>    turned downed by Msia, and are now doing well overseas.
>>    They are still nationalistic enuff to try a second time... let's
>>    see how it goes.
>>    And we may miss the boat, because we are destroying our
>>    most valuable biotech resource at an alarming rate, the
>>    rainforest and coral reefs, becos the Oil Pam and tourism industry,
>>    by building marinas/resots, to make some quick bucks.
>>    Incidentally, the above biotech co. values Msia is because of this
>>    resource, the biodiversity in our rainforest & coral reefs! Destroy
>>    this and we have nothing left!
>> So I agree with Red1 tht this may be our chance to get back on the
>> boat, perhaps build a new boat - thats what Leap-Frogging is all
>> about... but pls make the boat more comprehensive, instead of just
>> ERP..
>> c'mon guys come up with some BIG ideas, thats the challenge.!
> >


Boh Heong, Yap

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