thanks Raja for been the journalist. Reading yesterday's news. It is no better than my bitching. But who pitches for tomorrow? What proposal do you have? How long is it stuck in some ungreased drawer?

On 5/16/10 11:47 AM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
whatever it is, malaysia really needs to do quantum leaps on its infrastructure.

the united nations ranks malaysia 12th on e-participation. very highly commended and a great success for little people like me to be proud of.

BUT because our infra sucks big time, malaysia is dragged down in the overall e-government development index to 32. 20 places down ! and colombia is ranked 31 above us !

refer to :

like it or not, malaysia has to lay fibre optics through out the country, then we can get full 3.5g or 4g or 5g or whatever.

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