Nampak macam going the way of Tony Fernandez plak? Aneh.. in the end who cries for Open Source? Am i to give up also cos i got smashed personally by 'Mr MDec'? Which i thought was public taxpayers' money and citizens' trust, and not some personal official's drawer who places Facebook and MS as higher priority.

I wish MDec can back up its criticisms against me with an official letter. So i can then properly regard MDec as officialy wants me to end my pitching and high worth ideas for the country. They do not want me to expose where the RM10m funding promised to us went to. I got information and i am putting them out as fair comment. I did not name names. In the end i have to take legal action. Because this is getting serious. MDec made official claims in the press. It is time to take accountability.

MDec bukanlah khazanah persendirian sesiapa tetapi amanah rakyat terutamanya warga sumber terbuka. Mereka perlu bantuan dan jawapan, bukan helah dan pemesongan sehingga program MOSCON menjadi alasan memerah tenaga warga tersebut tanpa balasan sewarjarnya. Isu sebenar bukanlah daya perjuangan mereka lagi. Kami sudah terbukti berjuang habis-habisan. Samada sebagai pengguna maupun pembuat.

Sudah lama kedengaran rintihan mereka setiap kali program dan kali ini akan berulang. Ini bukan ramalan, tetapi amalan biasa. Dan saya sebagai rakyat prihatan dan peka tidak akan dan tidak patut berdiam diri. Yang lemah akan peluk apa saja ranting yang ada seolah terlalu lemah, miskin dan mengemis. Ini tidak mencerminkan daya permikiran yang sepatutnya dari warga generasi terkini. Bukan terbilang dan gemilang, tetapi makin tersilam dan terhilang.

On 5/16/10 12:45 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:
yes red1.... you must have been reading my mind ;p

plenty of proposals to fit into an 'ungreased' storage vault ! hahaha .. and some are horrible that deserves to be flushed down the toilet ;p

but suprisingly, a few do get through. but the information need to be packaged and must be quantified in terms of total value and rule of thumb value. the 'angkatan' helps a lot as well.

// this afternoon my brother is coming to entice me to join in his proposed shipping business in sabah. sounds very exciting. now everyone can sail ?

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